Barrie Connolly
Since founding her award winning design firm in San Francisco in 1978, Barrie is known for her intelligent integration of architecture and interior design. Now based in Boise, the firm provides a full range of interior design and renovation services, all reflecting her signature casual elegance. Barrie’s projects range from all around the West including, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Utah, California, Arizona, Mexico and as far away as the Dominican Republic . In addition the firm has designed multiple homes for clients in locations including Scottsdale, AZ; Sun Valley, ID; McCall, ID; Tiburon, CA; Lake Tahoe, CA; Palm Springs, CA & Carmel, CA. The firms portfolio also includes a number of noted hospitality and commercial projects.
Barrie consults with her clients from the earliest stages of a project to guide the design process to best meet their specific needs, be it architectural, lighting design, landscape design, construction or project management.
Barrie Connolly is an Allied member of ASID, her work has been consistently recognized by the MAME, NAHB, PCBC, and IRM stemming from the early 80’s.